Sometimes the perfect portrait takes a little more work

One of the benefits of hiring a photographer like me is we can create a little magic. I'd like to reassure you that your dogs safety is my number one priority. I prefer we have our companions leashed while we are on location taking photos. Let me give you a sneak peak at how I can work with you, your precious family members and leashes.

Photograph 1: This image has one dog looking majestic, and the other looking ..not so majestic.

Photograph 2: In this frame we have the formerly non majestic dog looking regal, while his brother has his head and body turned away from the camera.

The finished portrait

Here is the end result of combining two images shot within seconds of each other.

This portrait is a composite image utilizing a "head swap" and leash removal to achieve the vision I had for the story I wanted to tell about these two very good boys. I combined two images to create one finished image. In each image one dog looks great, and the other dog is caught in motion. Once the images were combined I removed the leash and applied a final crop.


The thing that sets me apart is: editing.

I shoot all my images in RAW format. Great, what does that mean to you? It means I have a lot of control over how the final image looks. The real beauty and magic happens through the alchemy of in camera capture and post process combine at the hands of an artist.